fiberglass pool cost savings | Artistic Pools

Fiberglass Pool Cost Savings

Please take a minute of your time to look at the fiberglass pool cost savings chart provided below to see the many advantages of that Fiberglass Pools provide over Concrete and Vinyl Liner Pools.  Talk about Saving’s that’s a NO BRAINER!

Fiberglass Swimming

Concrete Swimming
(Gunite) Pools

Vinyl Liner Swimming Pools
35 Year Structural Warranty
15 Year Gelcoat Warranty
1-5 years by contractor
1 Year Gelcoat Warranty
Liner seams only
No Surface Warranty
5-13 days installation, ready for decking using few (if any) subcontractors. 8-12 weeks using many different subcontractors. 2-3 weeks using few subcontractors.
Shapes of
Limited to the models of the manufacturer. Unlimited Limited to the models of the manufacturer.
Price of
Average High Average
Estimated Chemical Usage Surface does not alter water’s chemical balance. Substantially fewer chemicals used. Plaster reacts with water to raise pH levels. Uses substantially more acid & chlorine to counterbalance this chemical reaction. Surface does not alter waters’ chemical balance. Substantially fewer chemicals used.
Electricity Use
Circulate Water 4-6 hours daily. Circulate Water 8-10 hours daily. Circulate Water 5-7 hours daily.
Smooth, non-abrasive to skin or swim suits, walking and seating areas are textured for slip resistance. Rough, causes skin abrasions to feet, hands and swim wear. Slippery, easily punctured or torn by toys, pets, or surfacing rocks.
Algae sweeps off with wall brush. Algae grows and is harbored in pores of gunite. Acid baths and scrubbing required to remove algae. Seams of liner harbor algae.
Estimated Maintenance Time 1/2 hour per week maximum 4-5 hours per week 2-3 hours per week
Major Renovation None Re-marcite or re-plaster at 5-7 years. Vinyl Liner needs to be replaced every 7- 9 years.
Stairs and Seating
Built into pool shell. Optional & Additional Cost. Optional & Additional Cost.
Manufactured in environmentally controlled factory under stringent quality control standards. Manufactured on-site. No environmental control. Kit manufactured in factory. Quality of on-site assembly varies by installer.
Type of
Fiberglass or concrete Concrete Aluminum (which easily corrodes)
Loan Acceptance
Excellent Swimming Pool Financing Good Fair

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