The number one question that always comes up is. What is the price of a fiberglass pool? Justifiably so, considering this will be one of the single most expensive investments you will make other than your home in your entire life. This is not always the case however. We have had some customers who spent just as much on their outdoor living space as they paid for the house they live in. Not saying by any means this is the root I would personally take, but people just love their backyards. Before I get into answering the question that everyone is dying to find out let’s take a look at some of the factors that will effect the price of a fiberglass pool. But let me first make a comparison to some other investments, but for argument sake let’s call them liabilities, better know as “bad investments”, that we as consumers purchase every day. Let’s focus on upgrades for every day purchases, and how these items effect the pricing…
Let’s dive into these bad investment purchases for a minute, shall we. As I said earlier your home in most cases should be your biggest investment in your lifetime. Your swimming pool, or outdoor living area should, and in most cases be your second largest purchase. Now for the Automobile. Believe me when I tell you this, I’ve lost more money on vehicles over the years to pay for like, umm 3 swimming pool projects, which makes the price of a fiberglass pool seem very affordable, Right! Let’s pull into the car dealership for a minute and discuss ” Options and Upgrades”. We have all been there, done that, and hate every minute of it. Why is this? Because most of us walk into the dealership unprepared, not knowing anything about the car, or total price you are about to spend. What I mean is. You saw the sticker price on that new Cadillac Escalade that said 75,000 so you thought is was a good idea to swing on in and buy one. What you didn’t know is, that price is without the heated seats, upgraded chrome wheels, navigation, Bose sound system, leather interior, as well as all the other goodies. Long story short, you walked out of the dealership spending over 95,000 for the SUV your wife or husband always dreamed of. I know this story all too well. I purchased a 2002 Cadillac Escalade for over 50,000 and today it’s worth only like 8,000. Seriously? And we will be keeping it for like 10 more years, because vehicles unlike swimming pools are flat out bad investments! You get the drift. Let’s talk about how Artistic Pools Corp exposes our pricing right out of the gate!
Over the years, Artistic Pools as well as countless other companies kept pricing a big secret. Why is that? Most high pressure salesman just want to get in front of their clients, period. They think by having the foot in the door is going to close the deal. I am not going to lie. We, just like many other companies got our foot in the door, just to hear in the end, ” we can’t afford the price of a fiberglass pool“. Well, needless to say, we at Artistic Pools Corp changed the way we expose pricing to our potential customers. We spent an entire year developing a program which allows customers to pick their pool model, select as many pool options as they want and get an Instant Quote Online! This program has allowed our company to expose our fiberglass pool cost structure from day one. What does this accomplish? First and foremost, if you flat out can’t afford the price of a fiberglass pool we, as well as you should know this prior to wasting anyone’s valuable time. Maybe you have to wait a year and save up a bit more, but gosh darn it, please don’t buy what we call a “trash bag in the ground” otherwise known as a steel wall or vinyl liner pool. Save up, and come see us next year. Fiberglass Pools are by far your best investment, yes I said investment. Why? Because your fiberglass pool will most likely outlast you, and will continually gain appreciation over time, because it’s a direct extension of your home. Keep in mind San Juan Fiberglass Pools are made from the best materials known in the industry, utilizing 100 percent Vinyl ester resin.
Let’s jump in feet first and discover a basic algorithm for pricing the basic package of a San Juan fiberglass pool, as well as what options will drive the price of your fiberglass pool project. I’m going to break down the price of your basic package first. The cost of your project will cost around $1,500 to $2,200 a foot. Take a standard 24 foot pool and the package price will run you around 53,000 on average. Now take a 30 foot pool, that will run you $58,000 A 34 foot pool will run you $60,000. A 40 foot pool will run you around $70,000. So using my basic algorithm you should look to spend approximately 1,500 to 2,200 per foot on average for a quality fiberglass pool. But remember, not all pools are created equally, nor is the contractor you decide to use for your project. Make sure to check out builders Google reviews and customer testimonials to ensure your family is making the right choice! Now let’s get to the Goodies. Just know the list I’m about to supply is a general guideline for additional options and pricing structures associated with your pool project… I surely hope this article has shed some light on the cost structure of our fiberglass pool projects and additional options associated with your investment. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to post a comment below or feel free to Contact us here to learn more.

1. Pool tile (between 4,500 and 6,000 for basic pool tile)
2. Electric Heat Pump (between 4,700 and 5,500 installed depending on size)
3. Led Lighting (between 2,800 and 3,400 with remote center depending on how many lights)
4. SVRS variable speed pumps (1,200 installed)
5. Salt Generators ( 2,900 on average)
6. Caribbean Clear (2,900 on Average)
7. Winter Safety Covers ( between 3,000 and 4,000 installed depending on size)
8. Stamped Concrete ( 18.00 sq/ft depending on size, color and location)
9. Pool Slide 5,900 on Average
10. Auto Pool Covers 18,000 on average
One thought on “Price of a Fiberglass Pool”
It’s always important to choose the right company when you want to purchase a pools or when having it installed in your home because if it is not done right it can cost you even more money to repair it that it did purchasing and having it installed.Fiberglass pools is the best pool you can buy it has so may advantages even though it might be expensive but trust me it is worth it but only if it is built right and if it is from a pool company that puts quality first.