Tips for working with your Aqua Rite Salt System

Tips for working with your Aqua Rite Salt System
Tips for working with your Aqua Rite Salt System

Tips for Operating Your Aqua Rite™ System

Always make sure your Salt System Computer is set for your Matching Cell either A t9 or t15 prior to moving on to the next steps.  Sometimes a power outage can change the settings.


Operating ~ Utilizing the “AUTO” Functionality

The ideal daily filter operation of your pool should be approximately 8-10 hours

per day with a salt reading anywhere between 2700-3200. The Cycle Mode Switch,

which is located on the left side of the panel on the Aqua Rite, should be in the “auto”

position for everyday Chlorinating. The desired output function can be located in the

middle, and this feature allows you to control how much Chlorine is getting into the pool.

Your Aqua Rite runs on a 100 minute cycle, and your desired output function is where

you control how many minutes out of the 100 minute cycle that it actually generates

Chlorine. We suggest that you keep the desired output dial between 30 and 40.

Shocking ~ Utilizing the “Super Chlorinate” Functionality

The “super chlorinating” position on the Cycle Mode Switch is a method of

shocking your pool. In this process the Aqua Rite overrides the desired output and

chlorinates the pool for the full 100 minute cycle. This cycle should be left on for

approximately four to five hours and should be done once every seven to ten days. After

the cycle is done, simply reset the Cycle Mode Switch to the “auto” position and resume

your normal chlorinating processes. However, if the pool is left on “super chlorinating”

for an extended period of time, it will only process for the first 24 hours. After 24 hours,

it automatically returns to the “auto” feature whether or not you reset the Cycle Mode

Switch to the “auto” position.

Stabilizing your Water

The salt generator produces chlorine for your pool that is not stabilized. The

water should be analyzed on a regular basis to make sure that the chlorine that is being

generated is not being dissipated by the sunlight. An easier way to detect a stabilizer

issue in the pool is with either the test strips and/or the testing kit. The test strips have a

color block to measure the ideal level of stabilizer for your pool. The test kit can be used

in a different way. The stabilizer can be checked by merely comparing your salt reading

on the Aqua Rite and the Chlorine reading on the kit. If the salt is at an ideal level on the

Aqua Rite, and you are not getting a reading of chlorine in the pool with the test kit, there

is not enough stabilizer in the pool to maintain the ideal chlorine level. On the other

hand, Stabilizer is not an easy chemical to work with and should be tested by a pool

chemist as frequent as once a week. If the level of stabilizer is far too high; you may have

to drain a portion of the water in the pool. Prior to doing so, please contact one of our

pool specialists to ensure that action is necessary.



_ Before starting, make sure the pool is clean. Normally, after the installation, as

in the spring, the pool requires a good cleaning. You can refer to the owner’s manual

for instructions on cleaning in the Waste filter mode.

_ The Aqua Rite system must be in the «OFF» position but the pool must be


_ Pour the recommended quantity of salt in the deep end of the pool.

_ Wait approximately 48 hours for the salt to completely dissolve, do not perform a Backwash or Waste

during this period.

_ After 48 hours, put the Aqua Rite in the «Auto» position. Wait a few minutes and take your first PPM

reading (Part Per Million of salt found in the water).

To function properly, your Aqua Rite salt system needs a ppm level situated between 2,700 ppm and

3,400 ppm.

By pressing on the DIAGNOSTIC button, your monitor should indicate a PPM level between 2,700

and 3,400. However, if your ppm level does not reach 2,700 ppm, gradually add some salt. On the other

hand, if your ppm level is higher than 3,400 ppm, perform a WASTE function for a few seconds and

bring the water back to the recommended level. Then, recheck your PPM level.

_ To start the chemical treatment of your water, you must place the chlorine DESIRED OUTPUT

PERCENTAGE to 40%. Wait 2 days, then test the chlorine level with yellow phenol drops. If you are

satisfied with the chlorine level, leave the percentage as it is. If your result is too high or too low, adjust

the DESIRED OUTPUT PERCENTAGE of the chlorine accordingly (reduce the % if it is too high,

increase the % if it is too low).

_ Note: during the summer, the level of DESIRED OUTPUT of chlorine will probably need to be

modified depending on the water’s temperature, the ambient temperature and the length of days (for

example, the need for chlorine will be increased during a heat wave and will decrease when it is cold.)

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